Revamping Wharton Stories with Multimedia and Interactivity

Overview This project focuses on reimagining the **Wharton Stories** platform to integrate multimedia and interactive features, enhancing engagement and storytelling capabilities. The initiative aims to provide a modernized experience for users, reflecting Wharton’s leadership in innovation and thought leadership through dynamic and immersive content. Key activities include collaborating with aRead More

Launching Targeted Topic-Specific Newsletters for Knowledge at Wharton

Overview This project involves developing and launching **topic-specific newsletters** for **Knowledge at Wharton (KatW)** to better target and engage specific audience segments. The initiative aims to reinforce Wharton’s leadership in business education by delivering curated content tailored to audience interests, strengthening connections with key stakeholders. Key activities include identifying topicsRead More

Creating and Launching Special Reports for Knowledge at Wharton

Overview This project focuses on establishing a comprehensive process for creating and launching special reports on **Knowledge at Wharton (KatW)**. The initiative aims to highlight Wharton’s thought leadership by offering in-depth insights aligned with the School’s strategic priorities. Special reports will provide high-value content that engages audiences and reinforces Wharton’sRead More

Establishing a Benchmarking Framework for Knowledge at Wharton

Overview This project aims to establish a comprehensive benchmarking framework for **Knowledge at Wharton (KatW)** to evaluate competitors, define key performance indicators (KPIs), and position the platform as a strategic value-add for Wharton’s revenue-driving departments. By tracking performance metrics and comparing KatW with peer institutions and thought leadership platforms, theRead More

Wharton/Accenture Podcast

A vintage microphone surrounded by abstract circular patterns and sound waves, with a mix of bright colors like orange and blue, representing music or sound. Overview Develop and launch a podcast series in partnership with Accenture, featuring Wharton faculty and industry experts to explore the intersection of AI and industry. Each 4-episode season will focus on a specific area of AI’s impact and applicability in business.   Project Owner: Chanelle Darden Estimated Timeline: Key Milestones:Read More